PUBLIC VERSION Infrastructure website that provides an easy access to CVS content and enable package creation from the web interface. Create reporting on what has been delivered and for who. Create package (ZIP) from a CVS TAG. Uses ANT, XML, PYTHON technologies. SOURCEFORGE VERSION This package enables product developpers/application developpers/service team/support team/sales team to have one common base of information on what has been delivered to their customers. The current alpha release provides three profiles to access this delivery management website: admin/sale/developpers. The sale profile can only browse the base of information (which package for which customer). The developper profile can extract package (identical version since based on CVS TAG) that have been delivered to the customer. The admin profile can create packages based on CVS TAG. Scenario to explain: The service team create applications and commit them into CVS. When it has been debugged/qualified they TAG the version they plan to deliver to their customer. Then, the webpack admin (or service team) can create a delivery ticket specifying the module/TAG/customer name/delivery date/etc... this is what we call a 'package'. The description of the package is tracked in the DB (including all the files version). The support team responsible of burning the CDs to send to the customer can then extract the package by going to the "package extraction" view. This will create a ZIP file downloadable directly from the "webpack" website. At anytime, the sale team can get a full report on what has been delivered to who and when. Technologie The CGI are written in Python. The access to CVS and the ZIP creation are driven by ANT. As of now, it runs on the database MySql. The web presentation is designed in XML+XSL+CSS.